The Constitution of the COMMERCIAL VEHICLE STEERING, SUSPENSION AND ALIGNMENT ASSOCIATION 1 Name The name of the Association shall be – COMMECIAL VEHICLE STEERING, SUSPENSION AND ALIGNMENT ASSOCIATION (hereinafter called “The CVSSA”). 2 Objects The objects of the CVSSA are – a) To promote and develop technical advancement and the application of new techniques in relation to Steering, Suspension and Wheel Aligning of commercial vehicles. b) To disseminate technical data, statistics and other information to the members of the CVSSA and others. c) To act in an advisory capacity to members and to assume and act upon such powers as may from time to time be deemed desirable by the CVSSA. d) To promote and by every means possible advance Vehicle Suspension and Steering Repairs and Wheel Alignments in Australia and to conserve the interest of members. e) To promote, support, or oppose legislative customs tariff or other measures affecting the Steering, Suspension and Alignment Industry, and to deal with any restrictions preventing or interfering with the carrying on of the industry. f) To lay down a code of practice whereby the transaction of business relating to such Steering, Suspension and Alignment may be facilitated. g) To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any other of them as may be deemed necessary or expedient in the best interests of the Association 3 Officers The Officers of the Association shall be a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and immediate Past Chairman. Such Officers shall be elected biannually, but should any casual vacancy occur in any such office during the currency of the term,the vacant office may be filled by the Executive Committee. 4 Membership a) Membership of the association shall be open to all persons or Company’s either repairing or supplying parts,technical training and information relevant to the Commercial vehicle steering, suspension and alignment industry within Australia. b) A register of members must be kept and contain: i) the name and address of each member; ii) the date on which each member was admitted to the association; and iii) if applicable, the date of, and reason(s) for, termination of membership 5 Meetings a) At the Annual General Meeting of the Association, the delegates nominated by the members, shall constitute the Executive Committee. b) An immediate Past Chairman shall be entitled to become an ex officio member of the Executive Committee for the term of the incumbent Chairman. c) The Executive Committee shall elect a Chairman, and the Vice-Chairman from among their number. d) The Management of the Association shall vest in the Executive Committee. e) The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall hold office for the period from election at the Annual General Meeting until all offices are declared vacant prior to elections at the next Biannual General Meeting. f) The Executive Committee may be re-elected in whole or in part. g) Any member of the Executive may resign by giving to the Secretary, in writing, seven days notice of his intention to do so. h) The Executive Committee shall, subject to clause 3 hereof, have power to do all such things it considers necessary or desirable to attain the objects of the Association. i) The members of the Executive Committee shall have one vote but if there is an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberate vote. j) The member body having delegated who is elected as Chairman shall be entitled to nominate a second delegate during the period of such chairmanship. k) Each member shall be permitted to appoint a proxy or alternate delegate to represent delegates unable to attend meeting or may register a postal vote. Such alternate delegate or proxy shall have full voting rights. Members must advise the names of such alternate delegates or proxy to the Secretary in writing. 6 Quorum Delegates representing 1/3 plus one Members shall comprise a quorum at any general meeting. Half plus one members of the Executive Committee present at an Executive Committee Meeting shall comprisea quorum. 7 Meetings a) The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held once in each calendar year, at such time and place as shall be determined from time to time by resolution at the preceding Annual General Meeting, or failing any such resolution, as shall be fixed by the Executive Committee. b) Special Meetings shall be held as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, or upon a request in writing submitted to the Secretary signed by three members of the Association. c) The Secretary shall issue a notice of general meeting within ten days after direction of the Chairman or Executive Committee, or on receipt of a request by members of the Association under subclause 6 (b), such notice to be mailed not less than 14 days prior to such meeting. d) The Executive Committee shall meet on at least one occasion apart from any meeting which might be held within one day of the Association’s Annual General Meeting. e) Any dispute involving any Member shall be referred to an Executive Meeting and the member party to the dispute shall have the right to attend the said meeting for their case. All expenses incurred by the Executive Committee members in attending a special Executive Committee Meeting shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and reimbursed on an individual basis. 8 Secretariat and Treasurer The Secretariat and Treasurer will be elected from the Executive Committee members. 9 Financial For the purpose of the conduct and management of conferences, conventions, seminars and the like, the Association shall be permitted to collect and accumulate funds. 9.1 Funds shall be deposited in a bank account named CVSSA and released upon the instruction of the Executive Committee, duly recorded in a properly constituted manner, and cheques are to be signed by the Treasurer. 9.2 After Executive Committee approval, it is not implied or intended that CVSSA should accumulate funds indefinitely but that funds accumulated should be regularly applied towards the achievement of the CVSSA aims and objectives. Subject to the foregoing:- a) The Management of funds howsoever derived shall be vested in the Executive Committee. b) The Executive members shall cause proper accounting and other records to be kept and shall distribute copies of balance sheets as required by the Act and shall from time to time determine in accordance with Clause 8 of the Memorandum of Association whether and to what extent and at what times and place and under what conditions or regulations the accounting and other records of the Association or any of them shall be open to the inspection of members, not being directors, and no member (not being a director) shall have any right of inspecting any account or book or paper of the Association except as conferred by statute or by Clause 8 of the Memorandum of Association or authorised by the directors or by the Association in general meeting. b) c) The financial year of this body shall coincide with that of the calendar year. b) d) Once at least every year, the accounts of this body shall be examined, and a certificate of correctness shall be given by a qualified accountant. 10 General a) Any member may resign by giving one months notice in writing to the Secretary of their intention to do so. b) Subject to giving a member an opportunity to be heard or to make a written submission, the committee may resolve to expel a member upon a charge of misconduct detrimental to the interests of the association. c) Particulars of the charge shall be communicated to the member at least one month before the meeting of the committee at which the matter will be determined. d) The determination of the committee shall be communicated to the member, and in the event of an adverse determination the member shall, cease to be a member 14 days after the committee has communicated its determination to the member. e) It shall be open to a member to appeal to the association in general meeting against the expulsion. The intention to appeal shall be communicated to the secretary or public officer of the association within 14 days after the determination of the committee has been communicated to the member. f) In the event of an appeal, the appellant’s membership of the association shall not be terminated unless the determination of the committee to expel the member in upheld by the members of the association in general meeting after the appellant has been heard by the members of the association, and in such event membership will be terminated at the date of the general meeting at which the determination of the committee is upheld. g) The rules of this body shall be established, by a general meeting of the Association. These rules may be amended or altered upon the receipt of a requisition for such amendments or alterations resulting from a general meeting of the members of this body. |
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